Think Organized
Simplifying lives through organization.
Finally Usable

It has been said that disorganization is the result of unmade decisions. Why should we interrupt the important things in life to decide what to do with the Cubs laundry hamper that a child no longer wants? After a few years of this, however, a space can become overwhelming and just weigh on one’s shoulders. In this case, I sorted things so the owner could make decisions more easily, then clearly labeled all the storage bins. All items are easy to find and easy to put away.
Holiday Decorations are Safely Stored

While most of us are motivated to get holiday decorations out, putting them away doesn't hold the same gleeful anticipation. After raising kids and going all out with holiday decorations for years, the basement of this beautiful Victorian home was not functioning well. Items were sorted, containerized, and put on new shelves to make things easy to find and access, and put away at the end of the season.
Making Piles Disappear

This tuck-under space was filled with kids' outgrown clothes, old sporting equipment, holiday decorations and other miscellaneous stuff. I organized it allowing the client to quickly review what was there. As per her preference, I donated items, discarded others, and organized some for long term storage. Everything that was kept went into labeled, easy-to-find bins.
Easy to Find Everything

When this house was purchased the owner did not have a lot. 10 years later, however, nowwith a family, the space had filled up but there no was system in place to keep it organized. Adding shelves and clear bins brought everything into view. Now all of the Halloween gear is in two boxes. High school memorabilia is in another. It is easy to grab anything and simple to put it away.
“Thank you, again for all of your help - this has been an incredible experience for us, it was really the catalyst we needed to take back control and utilize our home to its full potential.”
Remodeling Expended Their Energy

After spending years remodeling, the primary carpenter of the family lost the motivation to organize the work room. Because most of the big projects were complete, I focused on creating easy access to tools frequently used for typical household projects. Extension cords, rulers, and screwdrivers, etc., were hung on the wall so they could be easily located, used, and returned. Large electric tools were stored in their cases, while supplies of nails, screws, allen wrenches, socket sets, batteries, sand paper, etc. were stored in well-labeled drawers.
Setting Up Storage Space

This space was easily accessible via a regular door off of a main room offering an ideal storage space for memorabilia, camping equipment, holiday goods, and other rarely used items. After we completed the move from their 4 bedroom/5 bath house to a 6-bedroom/8 bath house, the family had little interest in working on this space but wanted their things accessible. To make it function most effectively I installed inexpensive but sturdy shelves and arranged bins by type. Large labels made everything easy to find and the spaces offers a lot of room for additional storage as their needs change.