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Think Organized
Simplifying lives through organization.
What I Learned at the State Fair
I love learning things at the Minnesota State Fair! This year I learned about recycling textiles from a display in the Eco Building. It...
Ease Transition with Organization
My only child is moving across the country for his first year of college. My husband and I are excited for him but have some trepidation...
Finding Vertical Space
Most of us have things that are meaningful to us but that we might not need to see all the time. For example, I frequently find paintings...
Does your pantry make your life easy?
A lot of pantries are overflowing. There are bags of pasta falling over; 8 types of specialty flour – each partially used; a bag or two...
Anti-Clutter Gift Giving Ideas
I love the holiday season! I love the music, the lights, decorations, seeing friends and family, and the festive mood that the season...
Storing Summer (and other things)
As summer winds down we often find ourselves looking for storage solutions for the patio chair cushions, pool supplies, beach towels, bug...
Every piece of paper your child ever touched...
When my son was young he brought so many things home from school. Artwork, assignments, name tags, or any interesting tidbit that he was...
Keeping Documents (and Other Treasures) Safe
We do not have hurricanes or tsunamis in Minnesota, so I do not a keep a Go-Bag at the ready. But the week of the riots in South...
The not-so-joyful task of paper management
Many of our parents and grandparents kept every official piece of paper they ever received. Bills. Bank statements. Insurance renewals....
A Place For Everything
People often say “Your house must be perfectly organized!” and I say “No. Not usually.” But my trick is that I can get it looking pretty...
Solutions Hidden in Plain Sight
Our 65-pound Chocolate Labrador can easily jump onto our bed, and does so frequently. Sometimes, however, he forgets that he is perfectly...
Papers, Papers Everywhere!
I help a lot of clients with papers. I usually start with: What papers do you need/want to keep? What papers do you need easy access to?...
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